-I believe in hugging, calling and buying gifts for my family everyday because I love them unconditionally.

-I never quit, and you can't make me either because everything that is worth something is worth the extra effort.

-I tend to chatter way too much at the hair salon because it is contagious.

-I write and mail notes of inspiration.  I place a gentle hand on a shoulder often.

-I watch Turner Movie Classic late into the evening because wholesome movies remind me there's hope for goodness in life.

-I forgive loved ones, curt answers and business that have not treated me kindly because it frees me.

-I secretly love snow storms to catch up on everything in slippers because life is too busy every other day.

-Our family is fun! From theme birthday parties to Montauk vacations because we live life to the fullest with each other

-I marvel in the outdoors. I sit and listen to the tress sway in the wind because it reminds me how beautiful the world is.

-I take long lunches for no reason with fearless conversations because their are no expectations.

-My time each morning in my quiet with sending intentions into the world with the best expectations.